About me

My postition as a researcher in the field of Interactive Media and Educational Technologies at Danube University Krems enabled me to live almost all my passions in the same time: teaching, learning, research and new media are the things I love - and fortunately I was able to work embedded in them. As I was mainly working in EU funded projects, I decided to set up this ePortfolio page mainly in English. Those who prefer German still can find some German language information in this page - just scroll down...

A nice farewell

On the hottest day of 2019, the Dean and Head of Department of Educational Research and Educational Technologies, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Hanus, invited to a small reception to welcome the new heads of the centers for Educational Technology Research and Digital Learning and Design and to bid me farewell. dukByeGhoneim1.png

There is a report of the event at the website of the Department, and I was happy to find there a very nice summary of my recent work. Thank you, Danube University!


Digital und Analog: Schule der Zukunft


In der Online-Presse vom 8.5.2019 erschien ein Text mit dem Titel "Digital und analog: Wie die Schule künftig aussehen soll", in dem Sonja Gabriel von der KPH Krems und ich zitiert werden. Wie üblich, finde ich nicht alles so wieder, wie ich es gesagt habe. Aber mit gefällt der Text, insbesondere der letzte Absatz:

"Die Hauptsache ist, den Unterricht möglichst lernendenzentriert zu gestalten und Schülerinnen und Schülern den Freiraum zu geben, den für sie richtigen Weg zu gehen. Dabei braucht es genau so viel eEducation, wie es didaktisch sinnvoll ist. Das sollte bei der Diskussion um analog und digital nicht vergessen werden, sind sich Ghoneim und Gabriel einig."

EduDays 2019 - Bildungstechnologie als Weiterbildungsgegenstand

Gemeinsam mit Stephan Längle hielt ich am 2. April 2019 einen Impulsvortrag zu "Bildungstechnologie als Weiterbildungsgegenstand". Als Beispiele dienten die Module für/mit bildungstechnologischen Inhalten im Lehrgang eEducation und in den Projekten Seamless Learning (SeLe) und TEAVET (Teacher Competencies for a comprehensive VET System in Albania).

EduDays 2019: Präsentation

Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM

The project "Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM" (ATS STEM) is funded by EACEA under the Erasmus+ Proframme. Our department is glad to be part of the project as a key partner in the work package for digital support for assessment and feedback and as work package öeader for the quality management of the project. 

ATS STEM is coordinated by Dublin City University (DCU). I participated in the project kickoff in March 2019. As the project website is still to be set up, information about the project can be found at the moment mainly via Twitter.  There are, however, a range of small articles about the kickoff, like "Assessment of Transversal Skills for STEM project kicks off in DCU".

Contribution in PURPLSOC proceedings

Out now -
Open Access:  Source: Purplsoc Proceedings 2018. https://www.purplsoc.org/the-books/

Richard Sickinger/Peter Baumgartner/Tina Gruber-Muecke (Eds.). 2018. Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change. A comprehensive perspective of current pattern research and practice. Krems: tredition. Download

Inside: Isabell Grundschober, Andrea Ghoneim, Tina Gruber-Mücke, Peter Baumgartner: A Pattern Language Remix for ATS2020. Using Existing Pedagogical Patterns to Create a New Language for Formative Assessment within the ATS2020 Learning Model, p. 288-317.

Talk to Remote Audience

Andrea Ghoneim, Danube University Krems, in July 2018, while participating online in an event in Santiago de Compostela

Presentation for "Landcare for the Future"

The picture above shows me before the presentation "ePortfolio: a multimedia companion for lifelong learning" for the event “Landcare for the Future. Challenges for Education and Training, Opportunities for Employability” in Santiago de Compostela on 16 July 2018. As you can see, focusing on the medium and trying to get through to the audience (and/or the technical support ;-) is not a relaxing task. But it is nice that there is the chance for remote participation, as travelling is not always possible. The ePortfolio page about the presentation shows my slides and more context: https://mahara.ats2020.eu/view/view.php?id=16854

Workshop at TEAVET Learning Visit in Krems (May 2018)

TEAVET - Developing Teacher Competencies for a Comprehensive VET System in Albania is a CBHE project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. In May 15 and 16, 2018, TEAVET partners came to Austria for a learning visit. The main part of the visit took place at Danube University Krems. An ePortfolio page gives an insight into the visit and collects some of the input material. Part of the collection: my workshop on "Learning Design and Teacher Training. the ATS2020 experience". Together with my colleagues Stephan Längle and Isabell Grundschober we continue working with our coordinators from Spain and our partners from Albania and Finland on the TEAVET project.

Wissensbilanzen/academic achievements

Meine Wissensbilanzen enthalten vor allem Publikationen, aber auch Hinweise auf ePortfolio-Seiten zu Vorträgen, zur Lehre etc.

My academic achievements (mainly publications, but also presentations or input-portfolios for teaching etc.) are summarized in "Wissensbilanzen":



2018 is reflected on this page (see above)

From mahara.at to IMB-Mahara

I had a personal showcase at mahara.at since 2013. As the page was ready for a makeover, I decided to build a completely new one here (in 2018) :) Why Mahara? It is my favourite ePortfolio platform (Open Source), and I am co-admin of several Mahara platforms.

Farewell to my old ePortfolio page

You can also find me...

You can also find me outdoors ;-)

Here (on the left side) at the City Run Krems 2019. Picture (c) Heinz Riedmüller, taken from http://www.noe-laufcup.com/cityrunkrems/media/Fotos%202019/Erwachsene/Erwachsene00258.jpg

Lehrtätigkeit/Betreuung von Master Thesen

LernerInnen inspirieren und von diesen inspiriert zu werden gehört für mich zu den schönsten (und spannendsten) Dingen, die das Leben zu bieten hat. Ich unterrichte derzeit vor allem im Bereich Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Recherchieren, Forschen/empirische Forschungsmethoden, Schreiben), u.a. für die Lehrgänge Educational Leadership, eEducation und Online Media Marketing.

Für das Modul Bildungstechnologie, für das ich im Lehrgang eEducation verantwortlich zeichne, biete ich unter anderem folgende Input-Portfolio-Ansichten an: Bildungstechnologie & Lerntheorien, Web 2.0-Tools für PädagogInnen. Gemeinsam mit Isabell Grundschober gestalte ich das Modul Didaktik und Bildungstechnologie für den Lehrgang Digital Publishing in Education, der im Rahmen des Projekts Seamless Learning durchgeführt wird.

Ich betreue Master Thesen, z.B. von Studierenden folgender Lehrgänge: eEducation, Educational Leadership, Personalentwicklung und Kompetenzmanagement mit Neuen Medien (PKNM).


In the framework of the project ATS2020 (Assessment of Transversal Skills) I did "Tools, Platforms, and bases for learner-centered, assessment-based work in classroom. Andrea's ATS2020 blog". This blog is part of the ePortfolio collection of works of WP2 of ATS2020, focusing on tools and technology for learning, teaching, and assessment.

From 2013 to 2017 I kept the blog "Getting Started with Mahara" which is still integrated in my old ePortfolio view.

The blogs listed below are older and in German.

Kairo und mehr” is a mix of a diary of my times in Cairo and an archive for some other (mainly journalistic) texts which I drafted on cultural and teaching related issues during my time in Egypt (between 2002 and 2007).

Facebook und Ägypten” is connected to a workshop at the Medienkompetenz-Symposium at JKU Linz in 2013. It gives some background information on the connections of the “Egyptian Spring” and communication via facebook, but still should be updated with quotes and links.

Techniken des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens – tfm” is a product of a seminar on techniques of scholarly work for theatre, film and media studies (University of Vienna, summer term 2011). The contributions to this blog are mainly drafted by the students, I did the editing work and sometimes added some information.

Literatur im WWW” contains a commented linkography on German language literature readings for German as a foreign language. It was set up to accompany a workhop at the ÖDaF Tagung (Conference of the Austrian Association for German as a Foreign/Second language) in 2008.

Finally, there is also a blog which accompanied a German course for beginners at University of Vienna, in fall 2012: http://daf4globalstudies.blogspot.com/