Mahara 18.04
IMB-Mahara läuft im Sommer 2019 in der Version 18.04. Die Änderungen in dieser Version werden im Mahara-Handbuch (nur auf Englisch abrufbar) beschrieben
Neu in Mahara 17.04
Gregor Pirker zeigt in einer Mahara-Ansicht die neue Menüführung in Mahara 17.04.
In englischer Sprache gibt es eine Präsentation zu den Neuerungen in Mahara 17.04 von Andrea Ghoneim und Gregor Pirker. Diese Präsentation ist Teil der für das Projekt ATS2020 (Assessment of Transversal Skills) erstellten Seite "ATS2020 User Support - Guides for Tools". Die Seite ist öffentlich im WWW.
Mahara Manual
Auf kann man sich nicht nur mit der Mahara-Community vernetzen, man findet dort auch ein englisches Handbuch (Mahara Manual), das alle Möglichkeiten, die Mahara bietet, aufzeigt und erklärt. Wir verwenden übrigens derzeit Mahara in der Version 17.04.2. Ein Upgrade gibt es wahrscheinlich im Sommer 2018.
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E-Portfolio, gebloggt
Blogeintrag mit den Schlagwörtern "E-Portfolio", "ePortfolio"
ePortfolios as a set of pedagogies and practices
ePortfolios as a set of pedagogies and practicesThe magazine "Peer Review" devoted a special issue to "E-Portfolios for Reflection, Learning, and Assessment". (Winter 2014, Vol. 16, No. 1.)
Instead of a review I post here a heartwarming quote of Randy Bass' article "The Next Whole Thing in Higher Education":
“E-portfolios are decidedly not the hottest thing in higher education. They just don’t fit the profile for a sexy ed-tech trend. For example, their success does not threaten to disrupt the entire business model of higher education. In fact, when thoughtfully employed, e-portfolios can be a mechanism for greater institutional coherence. Another serious impediment to e-portfolio’s status as an ed-tech trend is that they don’t fit into a neat ed-tech category. The technology of e-portfolios, though enabling or inhibiting, is not the crux of the “it” that makes e-portfolios effective. E-portfolios are at heart a set of pedagogies and practices that link learners to learning, curriculum to the cocurriculum, and courses and programs to institutional outcomes.”
Thus, as Randy Bass concludes, ePortfolios are “the agents of integration”, helping students to create a context for their “increasingly granular learning experiences”. Furthermore they allow institutions “to get an unmatched, holistic view into the impact of their curricular and institutional designs”.
Mahara e-Portfolio at York St John University
Mahara e-Portfolio at York St John UniversityThe short video shows how the ePortfolio platform Mahara is used both by a teacher and a student of York St. John University.
Mahara is introduced from the viewpoint of a teacher. The teacher makes use of it as a storage space - to document information and achievements, share them and present her progress (in research). The fact that teachers can also encourage students to set up refelctive journals and ePortfolios and give feedback to them via Mahara is also mentioned in the video. Another topic is collaborative work via Mahara.
From the student's perspective, Mahara is presented as a tool for the activities of the university's film club. Furthermore, the student appreciates that Mahara allows him to learn how to set up a website. Both, the teacher and the student can use Mahara to evidence their work and showcase it with regards to the target groups they want to reach.
The video is also embedded in the Mahara page of York St John University.
Mahara for Teachers
Mahara for TeachersAs we will implement Mahara in a range of lower secondary schools in the framework of the EU funded project EUfolio, I created a view "Mahara for teachers" as one of the preparations for the teacher's training. Hope that this is a good way for teachers and teacher trainers to get started both with Mahara and the idea of ePortfolios in the classroom!
Mahara Tutorial
Mahara TutorialThere are many tutorials for Mahara available online. I like the one of the AUB (American University of Beirut) because it is clearly structured and can be printed out as a book or chapter by chapter.
Mahara Tutorial by AUB is directed both to students and teaching staff. It can be used by school teachers as well. As it is written clearly and has a good structure, at least upper secondary students should not have a problem using it, either.
The mentioned Mahara Tutorial gives an idea about the pedagogic idea behind Mahara, and contains information on the basic use of Mahara, like setting up a profile, possible contents of the ePortfolio (files, blogs, views, collections, plans), finding and organizing groups and friends and management of one's account settings. The process of exporting content from Mahara is explained as well.
The AUB's policy is that the user's Mahara accounts are active as long as you are a faculty/staff member, while other schools or universities keep the account "alive" even after graduation.Furthermore the tutorial is adapted to the user interface of AUB, so users of other Mahara platforms might find "their" Mahara looking slightly different. However, it gives a good idea for people who want to get started.
AUB's Mahara Tutorial was partly adapted from:, where you can, of course, find more detailed information.
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